Sunday, December 20, 2009

2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

It's been a few years since I've seen this movie, and I've been feeling recognizably contemplative lately, so it seemed like a proper time to revisit this existential masterpiece.
2001 is one of those films that I don't think I can ever quantify how amazing it is. A guy I met once said that Kubrick's films are like a well-aged brandy, and I completely agree. People can acknowledge that they are highly revered, they're not for mass consumption, and you don't want to overindulge in them because they so rich.
A scene that stood out to me during this past screening: The part where Dave is running loops around the space ship. The cinematography depicting his isolation is spot-on, and chilling.
While I can more fully appreciate the slow pacing of 2001, and what each scene contributes to the overall film, the more times I see this film the less of an impact the climax has on me. It's still an amazing ending of philosophical proportions, but that bang on oh-my-god moment is not there anymore (or it at least wasn't there during this screening).
I definitely want to revisit 2001 again sometime to see if watching it twice in a shorter timespan will give me more perspective on it. What can I say, you should watch it!

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