Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Kings Speech (2010)

This film was better than I thought it would be. Normally I am not prone to watching period films because I have trouble relating to time-periods where the internet and cell phones to not exist, call me crazy.
Performances by all actors were phenomenal.

Scene that stood out for me was when Geoffrey Rush's wife meets the King and Queen and is speechless and overwhelmed by the honour of being in the same room as royalty, and she is strong enough to extend the invitation for dinner.

Also the soundtrack was really melodic. I thought the music very well complimented the inner struggle King George VI faced with his speech impediment, and the emotional toil it took on him and the people around him.

The story of this film is one that I never knew. I am not very familiar with English history, or lesser known English history, so it was really cool to learn about the King's speech impediment.

I can see why this film won best picture at the Oscars, it definitely deserved it. Definitely worth seeing.

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