Friday, November 06, 2009

Wall Street (1987)

I didn't think too much of this film.
The subject matter didn't appeal to me, and Oliver Stone is a director who's films aren't targeted to me (so I haven't seen many), but I thought it was interesting to check out.
As a character study, this film follows the rise and fall of greed very well. Oliver Stone has a very American Dream quality to all his films (likely why I avoid them), and he portrays it very accurately, and without any irony.
I thought it was cool seeing Martin and Charlie Sheen working as father and son on screen, they definitely have a natural chemistry (for obvious reasons).
Michael Douglas as always plays a great sleazeball.
I have to be honest, I only decided to now check out this film because they announced they're making a sequel with Shia LaBeouf (who, in my opinion, is so clean, can do no wrong).

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