Tuesday, June 05, 2007

The U.S. vs. John Lennon (2006)

I thought this was a really smartly made film. It shows how sometimes authority will really go to any length to crush revolutionaries.
The film started out lacking, unfortunately, it seemed like it was hastily put together, to show a general view of the feelings at that time. But after 15 minutes or so it got a lot better.
I really enjoyed the footage that they put together of the various demonstrations and media interviews that John was a part of. It really gave a strong sense that he was a committed person to the peace movements.
I liked how the testimonials didn't take up too much of the film, and rather was a lot of archival footage and photos.
I thought it was interesting that John's son, Sean, had no involvement with the film. Was it because he entered John's life so late, and after most of his protest years, or did he not want to put himself in the situation where he had to recount his memories with his father?
Overall, I think this movie is worth checking out. It's completely partial to John Lennon's case, but why would they take the other side, that'd just be ridiculous.

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