Sunday, May 06, 2007

Children of Men (2006)

This was an intense film. I enjoyed it, but it's not something I could watch again, unless I had a specific reason to. The subject matter and visual were very heart wrenching, but made me realize how fragile human life is. I guess I'm over generalizing the film, but it's hard to put into words because the film does not have a lot of dialogue. That's not to say that the film has a weak script. I think the style of the director, Alfonso Cuaron, did very well with this story.
He is known for his long static takes, so it was put together very eloquently.
I recommend this film because this subject matter of the world's fertility rate is a significant topic, and one that is very present in today's issues.
Clive Owen was pretty good as the films protagonist, and I thought he carried the narrative decently.

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