Monday, July 17, 2006

The New Pornographers – Ottawa Bluesfest – Sunday July 16, 2006

I thought this was a good show. I was unfortunately somewhat disappointed, but it was merely because of aesthetic reasons ie. the band does not look like rock stars, what the giff! The sound was tight (even though the mix was poorly done).
To get back to this aesthetic thing, the members of the band looked ordinary and geeky. I think bands should dress up, or at least try and present some kind of performative image, it makes the whole seeing them live more worth it, instead of the look like you’re watching them jam in some garage. One of the main things that through me off was the bassist was a total doppelganger for my old film professor M. Raymond, so it was funny and kind of weird watching him rocking out wearing a ‘Where’s Waldo” shirt, and I don’t think he was being ironic.
I was feeling kind of gross as well because I had been outside for most of the afternoon and it was so friggin hot out, it was not enjoyable to stand around for a few hours on top of that.
Overall, they played the songs I wanted to hear, so they weren’t a disappointment in terms of that, it was just the presentation that I think needs work. The band members didn’t move around the stage at all making it look like they were part of an awkward junior high band performing in a talent show, hehe.
Controller.Controller played before them and I really enjoyed their set, they rocked hard, it was fun.

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